Community Assistance
We understand that it may be difficult to find the assistance that you need when times get tough. Saving Our Way Facebook Admins & I have helped to get all the information together to have one place. This page will be updated to provide services that are available to help during times of need. If you have any other types of services to add, please send us an Email Us!
Bexar County Assistance Program
Assistance with Bills from CPS Energy
St. Peter - St. Joesph Children's Home - Rental Assistance - Rent Assistance
San Antonio Texas Rent Assistance
SAWS Affordability Programs - Disability Billing
Utility Assistance Programs - Texas Interfaith Power & Light
Agape Ministry rent assistance, utility assistance, clothing assistance , Financial Help
Bexar County UtilityAssistance energy assistance Financial Help
Christian Assistance Ministry rent, utility, clothing assistance, Financial Help
Guadalupe Community Center Assistance with rent and utilities for those that qualify, Financial Help
SPAOA - Single Parents Alliance of America
Medical Appointments Transportation programs Bexar County, TX
Texas Medicaid and CHIP - Medical Transportation Program, Texas Health and Human Services